Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The baby's takes revenge from his dad?

A man comes home from work one day and is extremly horny so he goes home and has crazy sex with his wife all night long...The next day the woman tells him that she is pregnant but the man doesn't care and still has sex with her every single day for the next nine months...When the child is born and cleaned, he looks at his mother and asks, "Are you my dad?" Baffled, the mother replys that she is not and the baby moves on to the doctor and asks the same question, receiving the same answer from him, the nurse and his grandparents. The child finally moves on to his actual father..He asks, "Are you my dad?", and his father replys, "Why, yes I am my son." So the baby climbs up the mans pant leg and gets face to face with him and starts poking his father in the head and says, "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT ******?!"

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